ASP courses

ASP courses are cross-cultural and built on top of the technical knowledge and skills acquired by the students in their specific master’s degree courses. Their goal is to discuss interdisciplinary issues common to any innovation project in Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning and Design.

Courses are held in the form of Intensive Schools: Winter, Spring and Summer Schools.

Students are required to attend all the Schools, which are delivered in a hybrid mode: residential activities and online synchronous and asynchronous lessons. The teaching style is a mix of formal lectures, seminars, and group and personal work. The focus is on learning instead of teaching, with a strong emphasis on the interaction between lecturers, who are Italian and international prominent professors, and students.

Teamwork and discussion are assisted by tutors, as part of the activity is developed in small student groups, with the aim of creating team spirit, learning through the observation of peers, developing soft communication skills, and promoting cultural enrichment.

The workload for students is compatible with their regular study activities.

All courses are in English. 

All traveling and lodging expenses are covered by ASP.

A flexible approach: personalized learning modules

ASP personalized learning is intended to provide 4 highly focused learning paths for each ASP pillar.
The goal is to improve learning experiences according to students’ preferences and profiles.

personalized learning modules

Dynamics of Innovation

  • Understanding the concept of innovation and its relationship with society
  • Interpreting the economic, socio-technical and institutional context in which innovation takes place and develops
  • Learning strategies and tools based on which firms and organizations can successfully develop innovations
  • Skills

    Looking for innovative methods
    Modelling complex problems
    Multi-disciplinary approach

Design Methods and Process

  • Sharing common vocabulary on design methods and becoming aware of the existing approaches to design
  • Learning the main stages of product-service design and exemplary tools for addressing the design of complex systems
  • Experiencing the application of exemplary design tools and participating in a collaborative design contest
  • Skills

    Knowing design methods
    Creatively re-defining problems
    Conceiving new products and services

Complex decision making and policy design

  • Introduction to decision-making in multi-actor and multi-level settings
  • Detecting multiple and conflicting interests
  • Positioning stakeholders, envisioning strategies, prioritizing projects in contemporary cities
  • Skills

    Identifying stakeholders
    Analysing wicked problems
    Managing risk
    Understanding trade-off in complex ecosystems

The intangible matter of places: impact and innovation commons

Students will be asked to design commons, shared intangible infrastructures that are set to deliver social and environmental impacts through innovation. Impact and innovation commons are public-private partnership schemes, impact finance and investing instruments, innovation governance schemes, impact-oriented models of entrepreneurship and, ultimately, their institutional arrangements.