The project was oriented towards autonomous mobile robots, that are products of growing interests in the consumer market (surveillance, cleaning, gardening, impaired people support, etc). In order to achieve the exploitation of the research, strong constraints were defined: the goal was to obtain low-cost products able to satisfy the requirements of the market and not only of niches. In fact, the aim of the project was the implementation of solutions compatible withmarket requirements through the development of newmethodologies and technologies. The aim of the project was to drive ideas, providing also the experience of the problems arising from the real production: the tutors compelled the implementation of demonstrating prototypes for each project.The result was really impressive: in a short period of time the prototypes highlighted problems under several aspects (mechanics, electric power, size, shape, appeal, costs, etc.), fostering solutions and increasing interactions among the various disciplines; prototypes changed heavily and quickly. Experience went beyond our expectations: during the final stages, the initial goals of modularity and flexibility forced us to interact with other companies (not competingwith the official ones), in order to obtain support and materials for further experimentations and improvements in different fields. Legoled, provided diode lamps for the lighting aspects inmore than one project andOikos, supplied advanced electronically controlled perfume dispensers. Their unrequested interest and availability, as well as the regular and effective presence of the official companies, clearly testify the significance of the projects in opening newmarket areas.
Principal Academic Tutors
Marco Maiocchi
InDACo, Politecnico di Milano
Academic Tutors
Andrea Bonarini
Electronics and Information,
Politecnico di Milano
Matteo Ingaramo
InDACo, Politecnico di Milano
Matteo Matteucci
Electronics and Information,
Politecnico di Milano
Stefano Pastorelli
Mechanics, Politecnico di Torino
Lucia Rampino
InDACo, Politecnico di Milano
Massimo Sorli
Mechanics, Politecnico di Torino
Francesco Trabucco
InDACo, Politecnico di Milano
External institutions
Interactive Toys
External Tutors
Gabriele Pisaneschi
Interactive Toys
Graziano Ravizza
Interactive Toys
Marco Tausel
Team members
Francesco Brasacchio [Team controller], Industrial Design
Ivo Emanuele Francesco Boniolo, Automation Engineering
Marco Garlaschè, Mechanical Engineering
Paolo Giamminonni, Biomedical Engineering
Fabrizio Giordano, Electronic Engineering
Davide Mazza, Computer Engineering
Marco Rossi [Team controller], Management
Raouf Barboza, Electronics Engineering,
Luisella Borra [Project Communication Coordinator], Environmentally friendly product design
Maria Beatrice Criniti, Biomedical Engineering
Luigi Malagò, Computer Engineering
Carlo Ballerini [Team controller], Mechanical Engineering
Tatiana Chierici, Interior Design
Luca Frasson, Biomedical Engineering
Diego Quadrelli, Architecture
Claudio Roncuzzi, Materials Engineering