6th Cycle

CitySpaces: A virtual/real platform for exploring, learning about and interacting with the layered histories of city spaces

The CitySpaces project has the objective of conceiving a multichannel digital media approach for exploring, learning about and interacting with the layered histories of city spaces. A CitySpaces is a virtual-real system for exploring cities overlaid with their rich geo-history, including the diverse histories of people, architecture and the urban environment, as well as the […]

CitySpaces: A virtual/real platform for exploring, learning about and interacting with the layered histories of city spaces Read More »

TETI: Integrated technologies for sustainable management of underwater cultural heritage

Four out of five parts of the world are underwater and sea also acts as a jealous custodian of the traces of human evolution. Today, technology can have unfortunate consequences on this wellestablished equilibrium, allowing people to destroy in few years what has been sleeping in the deep for centuries. We must save our past,

TETI: Integrated technologies for sustainable management of underwater cultural heritage Read More »

HASEW: Household Appliance System with Equipped Walls

Three quarters of the global population are predicted to live in urban areas by 2050. Shortcomings of natural resources and increasing demand of user-friendly domotics make the design of innovative home environments imperative. The goal goes far beyond collecting different appliances, each independently designed. The real challenge is to design a synergic home environment in

HASEW: Household Appliance System with Equipped Walls Read More »