The area around Novara will be located on the 5th European Corridor, connecting Lisbon to Kiev through Turin, Milan, Verona and Trieste. The area, situated within the Turin-Milan segment of the corridor, will represent an important node of the European transport network. It could represent a junction point connecting several important transport lines: Milan-Turin high speed railway, Milan-Turin motorway, and Ferrovie Nord Milano (FNM) regional railway system. In the future, the same area should be crossed by the planned 24th European Corridor (Genova- Rotterdam).
Furthermore the Novara junction point allows for a fast connection with important infrastructures like the international Malpensa airport (through FNM tracks connecting Turin to Malpensa and passing through Novara, actually not present but a future project) and the Rho-Pero Exhibition Centre (through the Milan-Turin high speed railway).
Consequently, considering the potential flow of passengers, the Novara area represents a great opportunity for location of public and private activities. Furthermore, the area may play an important role if the 2015 EXPO will be in Milan. The objective of the project was the development of an intermodal infrastructure allowing for a fast interchange between the different transport lines crossing the Novara area (high speed railways, MI-TO motorway, A26 motorway, Ferrovie Nord Milano,..) and representing the terminal of fast connection lines to the Rho-Pero Exhibition Centre and Malpensa airport.
Principal Academic Tutors
Franco Caron
Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Academic Tutors
Alessandro Brun
Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Riccardo Castellanza
Structural Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Matteo Gatto
Architecture and Planning, Politecnico di Milano
Mauro Mancini
Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Carlo Rafele
Production Systems and Business Economics, Politecnico di Torino
External institutions
Ferrovie Nord Milano Esercizio S.p.A.
Autostrada Torino – Milano
Regione Lombardia
Regione Piemonte
External Tutors
Claudio Chillemi
FNMI S.r.l. – Ferrovie Nord Milano
Team members
Anna Giovannini [Team controller], Architecture
Sara Bellan, Architecture
Francesca Condini [Project Communication Coordinator], Economics and Industrial Engineering
Carlo Corti, MechanicalEngineering
Luca Crippa, Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Stefania Vele, Mathematical Engineering
Alberto Riboni [Team controller], Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Elena Bielli, Architecture
Andrea Corbetta, Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Tommaso Palermo, Public Administration Engineering
Lorenzo Serino, Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering