Domestic environments change in time together with new lifestyles and new building and technical systems solutions.
The rapid evolution and the wide diffusion of new information technologies is one of the phenomena that mostly characterizes the contemporaneity, together with other important trends related to the environment – climatic changes and iniquitous use of natural resources – to the population – aging and immigration – up to emerge of a new factor that concerns security (both its senses of protection and healthcare) so public as private. The circulation of these new technologies is a phenomenon that deeply involves the economic-productive sectors as much as the social area.
In this prospective, it is foreseen that future living environments will be embedded with technology able to improve people’s life with information and automation systems that will support everyday habits and needs.
Nowadays such advanced solutions already exists and are available on the market; while the distribution in the domestic environments is not jet wide. Indeed, it seems like neither the costumers nor planners or designers are completely aware of the potentialities of these technical solutions.
We believe that the evolution of domestic technology may greatly improve people’s life by mean of small changes in the house environment and people’s behaviour. Still, it is clear that this advantages are not perceived because they are mostly know by a group of experts.
The research here proposed aims at discussing this situation with the purpose of finding possible scenarios that would describe when, where, how and for whom this new domestic technology could be successfully applied. For instance, it could be analysed the opportunity of integrating home security systems and/or environment control system (energy saving and/or alternative energy system) with the common devices such as TV or telephones.
The goal would be to find out who are the optimal final users, proposing the best technological solution for their needs in terms of products and systems.
This kind of research requires an interdisciplinary group of designers, architects, electronic, computer, building services and management engineers. It is proposed to organise five groups of students belonging to the four different disciplines, who will study and propose a new scenario of domestic technology evolution.
Principal Academic Tutors
Francesco Trabucco
InDACo, Politecnico di Milano
Academic Tutors
Alessandro Corrente
Elettronica e Informazione CEFRIEL, Politecnico di Milano
Silvia Ferraris
InDACo, Politecnico di Milano
Marco Filippi
Energetics, Politecnico di Torino
Enrico Frumento
Elettronica e Informazione CEFRIEL, Politecnico di Milano
Alfonso Fuggetta
Electronics and Information, Politecnico di Milano
Mario Grosso
DINSE – Scienze e Tecniche per i processi di insediamento, Politecnico di Torino
Anna Pellegrino
DENER – Energetica, Politecnico di Torino
Gabriella Peretti
Human Settlements Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino
Maximiliano Romero
InDACo, Politecnico di Milano
External institutions
External Tutors
Fabrizio Fabrizi
Team members
Francesco Sivo [Team controller], Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Maxime Fred Maurice Fournier, Biomedical Engineering
Davide Genco [Project Communication Coordinator], Communication Design
Denni Giannotti, Architecture
Orso MariaMeneghini, Information Engineering
Ruggero Golini [Team controller], Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Marco Bolognesi, Architecture
Jacopo Calori, Telecommunications
Niccolò Piacentini, Biomedical Engineering
Dorleta Urrutia Onate, Environmentally Friendly Product Design
Silvio Barbieri [Team controller], Building Engineering
Stella Barchiesi, Architectural Projects and Management of Constructive Processes
Simone Daniele Beccardi, Architecture
Mattia Cesare Oscar Bogino, Telecommunication Engineering
Luigi Castaldi, Environmentally Friendly Product Design
Elena Valla, Biomedical Engineering