The project will be concentrated on creating a technology push for a new material. The MadFlex (PCT WO2016120785 A1) is a lightweight asymmetric composite material panel, having a sandwich-like structure. It exhibits two order-of-magnitude difference in bending stiffness, depending by the direction of the applied bending moment, thanks to a reversible buckling phenomenon of one of its skins: it is flexible, even rollable, on the one side, while it is rigid like a traditional sandwich panel on the other one. In addition, its foam core confers to the MadFlex good insulation properties.
The design and development of a novel flexible habitat starting from the potentialities of the new material will face a multiplicity of research needs which will be integrated into a systemic approach.
Principal Academic Tutor
Alessandra Zanelli, Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering Department, Politecnico di Milano
Academic Tutor
Giacomo Frulla, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS), Politecnico di Torino
External institutions
Composite Research SRL (Italy)
TensiNet Association (Brussels)
Rasero SRL – Plastomer Engineering (Italy)
External Tutors
Nicola Giulietti, Project Manager at Composite Research SRL
Andrea Micheletti, Departement of Civil Engineering and Computer Science Engineering, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Team members
Edoardo Marcandelli [Team Controller], MSc. Degree in Building Architecture, Politecnico di Milano
Francesca Perego, MSc. Degree in Building Engineering Architecture, Politecnico di Milano
Roberto Rossi, MSc. Degree in Civil Engineering , Politecnico di Milano
Eleonora Teruzzi, MSc. Degree in Interior Design, Politecnico di Milano
Eleonora Valle, MSc. Degree in Architecture, Politecnico di Milano
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