On February 10th 2021, the annual ASP OPENING SESSION and ASP GRADUATION CEREMONY are held for the 17th ASP cycle and the 15th ASP cycle, respectively. They represent an opportunity to celebrate those who have successfully completed a demanding and intense path, and also to reflect on the unique features of the ASP programme, which combines the robustness of deep vertical education with the richness and openness of a horizontal interdisciplinary program. On this day, the institutional representatives of the Politecnico di Milano, the Politecnico di Torino and the Alta Scuola Politecnica take part. Special thanks are due to Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, Chairman Intesa Sanpaolo and Andrea Ruckstuhl, CEO LendLease for their precious participation and for their speech.
Guest Speakers:
Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, Intesa Sanpaolo
Andrea Ruckstuhl, CEO LendLease
The events will be streamed and recordered on the ASP YouTube channel. You can follow the event below: