November 29, Team Ad Astra of Alta Scuola Politecnica presented the development of the project L.A.D.E. (Lunar Architecture Design Exploration) together with their Principal Academic Tutor, Prof. Valentina Sumini, and their Thales Alenia Space tutors, Eng. Massimo Claudio Comparini (CEO of Thales Alenia Space Italia) and Eng. Enrico Ferrone, in Torino.
The meeting had a very stimulating discussion about the next steps in the design effort, and about the future of human space and lunar exploration. During the visit Alta Scuola Politecnica team and advisor had the chance to visit Thales Alenia Space in Turin cutting edge facilities for the assembly of LEO, Cislunar modules for the Lunar Gateway and the clean room with ExoMars 2022!
Alta Scuola Politecnica would like to express a deep gratitude to Massimo C. Comparini, Enrico Ferrone, Walter Cugno, Maria Antonietta Perino, Franco Fenoglio, Anna Maria Piras, Nicola Peverati, Cristina Leone (CTNA) and all the representatives of the company for having us. Ad Astra team can’t wait to see what’s to come for them! Per aspera Ad Astra!
Ad Astra Team: Michela Botti, Lorenzo Calogero, Ana Carolina Corrêa Caracas, Alessandro Caruso, Daniele Florenzano, Marta Mattioli, Marco Portolani, Angela Rizzo, Giulia Signorotto.