Cutting edge technologies make it possible to open a Window on the Man by interfacing non-invasive devices directly into the human body to perceive signals related to people’s emotions. Affective computing is the key to the success of new devices, no longer technological slaves, but partners involved in everyday life. The aims of this project were conception and design of new products, where embedded computers could easily interpret emotions of the users, to make innovative applications feasible, or just more appealing.
The implementation of such e-devices (emotional devices) required the joint work of different experts: product designers, market experts, biomedical and computer engineers. The main philosophy of the project was declined in different ways by the three groups of students who focused on different applications involving different sharing of emotions: one to many, many to many and one to one, respectively.
The first group (Sensiblog) envisioned the possibility of getting emotions from physiological signals detected by a bracelet. It was designed to be technological jewelry targeted to young people. The recorded emotion could be shared on one of the most fashionable media: a blog, where people usually share content in terms of only words, pictures and sounds.
The second group (Window on Lambrate) moved the emotion detection activity from the single, to a dynamic community: people passing in a public space leave a trace of their emotions, which would be detected by environmental sensors.
The third group (Laura) designed a hybrid between a hammock, a sofa and a chaise longue, able to capture, from sensors embedded in the fabric, the emotional state of people using it.
Principal Academic Tutors
Andrea Bonarini
Electronics and Information, Politecnico di Milano
Academic Tutors
Luca Mainardi
Biomedical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Raffaella Mangiarotti
InDACo, Politecnico di Milano
Matteo Matteucci
Electronics and Information, Politecnico di Milano
Roberto Merletti
Electronics, Politecnico di Torino
External institutions
Istituto di Ricerca Farmacologia
Mario Negri
External Tutors
Simone Mangano
Istituto di Ricerca Farmacologica Mario Negri
Graziano Ravizza
Interactive Toys
Team members
Alberto Guarino [Team controller], Computer Engineering
Antonio Aricò, Industrial design
Arianna Bosco, Mathematic Engineering
Guido Parissenti, Space Engineering
Alberto Piccinelli, Architecture
Daria Casciani [Team controller], Industrial Design
Luca Albertalli, Computer engineering
Rawad Choubassi, Urban Planning and Policy Design
Alfio Sorbello, Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Mirko Iaconisi [Team controller], Computer Engineering
Laura Mata García [Project Communication Coordinator], Environmentally Friendly Product Design
Giovanbattista Basile, Design & Engineering
Riccardo Bombarda, Design & Engineering
Andrea Malagoni, Computer Engineering
Andrea Vaccari, Engineering Computing Systems