The importance of reactivating abandoned industrial areas is becoming important nowadays due to the fact that these kind of sites can impose a risk to people but also can be a restrain to urban development. The issues that makes requalification of this kind of areas difficult is because its intrinsic complexity: there is a polluted site with old abandoned settlements which is located in an area that is not connected to the nearby context. These kind of problems leads to the lack of attractiveness of the area for future investors.
In order to requalify this kind of areas, the present project uses an approach that integrates the technique of adaptive reuse with remediation methods in order to reuse the former settlements, remove the present pollutants and develop the area providing green areas, infrastructure, services and leisure spaces.
Specifically, the area in which this approach was applied is the Ex-Italgas Santa Marta (Venice) area in which several projects had been proposed in the past without succeeding due to the lack of real understanding of its complexity. The final proposal is a step-based approach which assesses all the needs of the stakeholders involved with Santa Marta site but at the same time meets the necessities of the inhabitants. Finally, calculating the costs of the environmental activities and summing them up to the costs regarding to the reuse and construction of new spaces, it can be seen that in a holistic view the project is feasible comparing it to the projected earnings related with each step. This is possible due to the creation of different sequential steps, each of which provides a new piece of the regeneration.
Principal Academic Tutor
Matteo Robiglio, DAD, Politecnico di Torino
Academic Tutors
Elena Sezenna, DICA, Politecnico di Milano
Isabella Lami, DIST, Politecnico di Torino
Sabrina Saponaro, DICA, Politecnico di Milano
Roberta Ingaramo, DAD, Politecnico di Torino
External Tutors
Edoardo Zanchini, Director, Legambiente
Jean-Pierre Davit, Director, Golder Associates
Marina Dragotto, AUDIS
Team Members
Bianca Fagetti [Team Controller and Communication Coordinator], Management of Built Environment, Politecnico di Milano
Philip Adedokun Adewale, Petroleum Engineering, Politecnico di Torino
Samuele Fanetti, Management of Built Environment, Politecnico di Milano
Federica Gucciardi, Ecodesign, Politecnico di Torino
Gabriele Lo Torto, Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Luisa Ximena López Tamayo, Environmental and Land Planning Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Ana Gabriela Maldonado Barragán, Urban Planning and Policy Design, Politecnico di Milano
Olushola Olapade, Petroleum Engineering, Politecnico di Torino
Radoslav Marinov Valkov, Building Architecture, Politecnico di Milano
Xu Xin, Architecture, Politecnico di Milano