ASP projects

Students participate to multidisciplinary projects, focusing on real and relevant problems, proposed as a collaboration between universities and external institutions (i.e., firms, governmental or research institutions).

Project teams consist of 5/6 students from different schools and are therefore intrinsically multidisciplinary. Each project team is assisted by tutors with a multifaceted background, selected among the Faculty of Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino as well as among experts of the proposing external institutions. Tutors advice students and periodically review their intermediate results.

Projects are focused on four “problem-based learning” tracks: 

Industry & Innovation

Academic research

& Hi-tech start-ups

Social impact & Engagement

Teams are provided with funds that allow them to make study trips, attend conferences, buy books and materials to help develop the project. The project plan and budget is defined by the team and agreed with the tutors.

For more information, please write an email to

The results of the projects from the 1st to the 15th ASP cycle are reunited and published in books that can be downloaded here.

Last ASP projects

19th Cycle


AI-STABLEPOWER aims at developing methodologies for the analysis of power system stability by means of state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. Indeed, monitoring stability is a major concern for Transmission System Operators (TSOs), as the ongoing displacement of conventional generators by renewable generation technologies has reduced system inertia, thus affecting system stability.

19th Cycle


The AISS4SA project aims to optimize water usage by implementing a modular system that monitors water levels in different paddy field chambers.

19th Cycle


The AMBROSE project aims to address the challenge described above by introducing a modern, integrated, multidisciplinary SHM framework. This system will utilize automated monitoring, a combination of direct and indirect sensing methods, and advanced data analysis to detect structural issues early, enabling predictive maintenance and reducing the need for costly, urgent repairs.

19th Cycle


The Augmented Reality Vehicle Interface (ARVI) project main goals are: enjoy a unique experience in a rapidly growing startup, learn by doing & get a working methodology, work on cool stuff, having the freedom to build new things from scratch. The project is designed for students that are willing to be out of their comfort zone, ready for complex tasks and to be hands-on.

19th Cycle

ASCloud – TC: All Sky Camera Cloud Type Classifier

The project aims to research, develop and implement a highly accurate 24/7 cloud-type classification system (CTCS). This classification system uses two advanced all-sky smart cameras that capture images in both visible and infrared domains, enabling accurate sky coverage classification. Smart all-sky cameras sensors refine and improve data collections and incorporate numerous measures to ensure a consistent data flow and minimize classification errors.

19th Cycle


The BASTA (Bio-inspired and Adaptive Strategies to TAckle fragility fractures) project aims to design an advanced bone scaffold, more efficient than existing commercial products.

19th Cycle

C2S – Cruise towards Sustainability

Considering the huge environmental impact of cruise ships, the project aims at detecting solutions for a more sustainable cruising. The latter must also consider the economic interests of the maritime industry, considering first and foremost the welfare of the cruise ship’s customer-passenger.

19th Cycle


The goal of the chatIMPACT project is to bridge this gap, building a platform that allows users to easily access the knowledge they need in the LLMs domain.

19th Cycle


The COSMICA project is developed within the framework of space architecture, embracing a sustainable, circular design approach for future habitats on the Moon or Mars.

19th Cycle


The aim of this project is to explore how the power of generative technologies can support the design of new products or services to help people in a shift toward more environmentally sustainable behaviors

19th Cycle


The FoSCHe project represents an innovative advancement in the field Children’s Palliative Care, by proposing to integrate a design-driven methodology in such a delicate healthcare environment. At the core of this initiative is the Liber- meta-design framework, which serves as a comprehensive tool for developing innovative and inclusive design projects: it emphasizes a holistic approach, addressing the emotional, psychological, social, and spiritual needs of children and their families, trying to promote human connections and interpersonal relationships.

19th Cycle


The FutureHome project aims to revolutionize the smart home market by developing an innovative business model and digital platform that allows users with low expertise level in automation in implementing their smart solution. FutureHome will offer a fair and objective comparison among different smart home devices and suggestion tailored to costumers’ needs. The prominent goal is optimizing energy consumption, promoting significant economic savings, and ultimately improving the overall quality of life for its users.

19th Cycle


Aim of the project is to carry out a comprehensive and multidisciplinary evaluation of the potential to upgrade the plastic sorting plants with such technologies; this will include some preliminary theoretical evaluations, some practical testing on both an experimental facility owned by Corepla and a full-scale sorting plant, an environmental, economic and social assessment, the latter related to the potential loss of work. Finally, the outcome of the work will become inputs for the eco-design of the plastic products that will allow a better sorting and handling at the plants.

19th Cycle


The goal of this project is to develop a life cycle assessment to evaluate the environmental impact and costs of a hypothetical OAWE farm. Moreover, the analysis would allow one to identify inefficiencies within the actual AWE systems and understand how to improve performance and sustainability, quantifying the impacts by means of standard and customized indicators and adapting AWE to the harsh marine environment

19th Cycle

Material Impact Passport

The project focused on renewable materials originating from forestry, as they are a sustainable building solution and display a favourable market outlook. Two case studies were explored to validate the MIP: a MIP prototype for a bamboo bookcase produced by the NGO Casa Congo in Nicaragua and a web-based platform for the LSB panel industrially manufactured by BNext in Italy.

19th Cycle

MOSS – Moon Outpost Smart Structures

The Moon Outpost Smart Structures (MOSS) Project has a multidisciplinary research initiative aimed at establishing a sustainable lunar infrastructure using In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) technologies.

19th Cycle


The goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive tool that evaluates the competitiveness of sustainable propulsion systems for heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs), focusing on emerging technologies like Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) and Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs).

19th Cycle

Quarkk: a decentralized recording label

Fans can invest directly in their favorite artists’ music production (or other activities), receiving a return based on their success. This model allows emerging artists to self-finance without long-term, often unfair, contracts with labels, and enables established artists to fund new or independent projects with direct support from their fanbase. Quarkk’s goal is to provide artists a space for expressing themselves freely and financing their projects with direct support from their fans.

19th Cycle


The uFactory approach not only reduces reliance on global supply chains and lowers transport emissions but also responds to growing market demands for customization, fostering sustainable urban manufacturing ecosystems.

19th Cycle


The VisioMAC initiative aims at introducing quality control along the production line of tires. The project was conducted in collaboration with the Michelin site of Cuneo, where we attended to the steps of tire production: mixing and calendaring, extrusion and tissue cutting, carcass assembling, green tire (unvulcanized tire) fabrication, curing, and final inspection.

19th Cycle

ZeCRoCo: Zero Carbon Roadmap for Concrete

The ZeCRoCo project aims to enhance the environmental sustainability of a 28-storey social housing building by focusing on two main areas: reduction of Embodied Carbon and reduction of Operational Carbon.


The AMSHI project aims at contributing to reduce the urban heat island effect, by designing a self-locking paving block with a low degree of embodied energy for public spaces.

18th Cycle


The objective of AppDCO2 is to support enterprises with specific applications either in their decision-making process when choosing their tech partner companies or in assessing the impact of their internal applications and finding ways to reduce it.

18th Cycle


The AQUA project aims to create a set of guidelines for Aquaseek to enter the humanitarian water market.

18th Cycle

BIMChain for Site 4.0

The BIMChain for Site 4.0 project represents a groundbreaking solution, fusing BIM and blockchain technologies to revolutionize communication, transparency and management methods.

18th Cycle

Data-Driven Customer Value Systems

The ‘Data-Driven Customer Value Systems’ project was conceived as a response to these pressing industry challenges. Our role encompassed a comprehensive examination of the Industry and Market, and the development familias & personas with a specific lens on the 18-30-year-old customer segment, to gain profound insights into customer behaviors, thereby establishing the foundation for innovative service proposals.

18th Cycle

eHome Solutions

The goal of this project is therefore to develop a comprehensive HEMS, including a control algorithm and a user interface, able to operate with a broad range of devices and achieve previously unattainable performance.

18th Cycle


The aim of the project is to face bone fractures crisis adopting a twofold approach, considering both fracture prevention and treatment.

18th Cycle


Our project addresses critical challenges in greenhouse cooling by aiming to reduce water consumption, improve sustainability, and enhance performance. Stakeholder analysis guided our approach, and research into materials and experimental activities led to promising alternatives. Our goal is to provide an innovative and sustainable solution that meets the diverse needs of stakeholders, ensures water conservation, and secures the economic viability of greenhouse applications. By focusing on these strategies and technologies, we can contribute to the advancement of sustainable practices in the agricultural sector while addressing the pressing issue of water scarcity. 

18th Cycle

MetaMAPP II – Reloaded

MetaMAPP II – Reloaded aims to develop a metamaterial-based solution to reduce the noise level inside a car cabin, particularly targeting a specific range of medium-high frequencies. 

18th Cycle

MILDS – Maintenance, Infotainment, Learning Digital Services

Sanlorenzo’s MILDS project represents a significant step forward in leveraging Digital Twin technology to revolutionize the superyacht industry. By integrating data-driven maintenance, energy efficiency services, and a comprehensive DT infrastructure, the company aims to meet the demands of the emerging userrequirements, while delivering exceptional value to its customers.

18th Cycle

MIRE – Mixed Reality in Education

The current landscape of Mixed Reality (MR) applications in Education finds common employment in rendering 3D content in digital spaces. We noticed an unexplored area in the development of 3D-based activities that, combined with 3D content, could lead to comprehensive teaching experiences. Our project, in partnership with Vodafone and FifthIngenium, aims to fill this gap.