ASP projects

Students participate to multidisciplinary projects, focusing on real and relevant problems, proposed as a collaboration between universities and external institutions (i.e., firms, governmental or research institutions).

Project teams consist of 5/6 students from different schools and are therefore intrinsically multidisciplinary. Each project team is assisted by tutors with a multifaceted background, selected among the Faculty of Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino as well as among experts of the proposing external institutions. Tutors advice students and periodically review their intermediate results.

Projects are focused on four “problem-based learning” tracks: 

Industry & Innovation

Academic research

& Hi-tech start-ups

Social impact & Engagement

Teams are provided with funds that allow them to make study trips, attend conferences, buy books and materials to help develop the project. The project plan and budget is defined by the team and agreed with the tutors.

For more information, please write an email to

The results of the projects from the 1st to the 15th ASP cycle are reunited and published in books that can be downloaded here.

Last ASP projects

HEWiT: High Energy Wind Turbine

Today’s greatest global challenge is the need for more affordable, reliable, clean and renewable sources of electricity: according to EUROSTAT [1], the greatest source of

10th Cycle

FRUC: Future of Retailing in Urban Cities

Small urban retailers, in European cities, are facing a decrease in attractiveness because of the increase number of shopping malls, big chain shops and internet

FDD: Future Food District

Food is key for the whole humanity. Worldwide policies and organizations should aim at a better and more equal redistribution of food all around the

GreenSpace: Space and Green Technologies

The pursuit towards eco-friendliness is radically transforming the way we think, design and work, as private companies and public organizations approach the concept of sustainability

CAPs: Cre-A(c)tive-Places

The definition of the Cre-Active Places (CAPs) project brief is a challenge in itself: to empower creative production in a creative way, by activating an

PASL: Pushing Athletes to Safe Limits

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are nowadays a widespread issue in sports, both at the professional and at the amateur level. The severity of their consequences

TEC: Turin Energy Centre

The Turin Energy Centre multidisciplinary project is a work aimed at designing the functions and assessing the energy performance of a 20.000 m2 under-construction building.