ASP projects

Students participate to multidisciplinary projects, focusing on real and relevant problems, proposed as a collaboration between universities and external institutions (i.e., firms, governmental or research institutions).

Project teams consist of 5/6 students from different schools and are therefore intrinsically multidisciplinary. Each project team is assisted by tutors with a multifaceted background, selected among the Faculty of Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino as well as among experts of the proposing external institutions. Tutors advice students and periodically review their intermediate results.

Projects are focused on four “problem-based learning” tracks: 

Industry & Innovation

Academic research

& Hi-tech start-ups

Social impact & Engagement

Teams are provided with funds that allow them to make study trips, attend conferences, buy books and materials to help develop the project. The project plan and budget is defined by the team and agreed with the tutors.

For more information, please write an email to

The results of the projects from the 1st to the 15th ASP cycle are reunited and published in books that can be downloaded here.

Last ASP projects

CoSpaR: Components for Space Robotics

In the next decades, planetary exploration will play an important role in directing global technological development and at the same time will provide an extensive

LET’ SET: Choose, Build, Experience

The tourism industry is undergoing a deep transformation due to new and different activities that people are willing to perform. This trend is called experiential

AI SEI: Augmented Intelligence

The main goal of Knowai project was to develop an innovative solution based on the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques that deals with the complex

ZEGODI: Zero-waste goods display

The ZEGODI project involved the analysis of the goods display sector: these are marketing tools that you can find in stores and that help to

Re-ImPlant: Re-use Industrial Plants

Today, the occurring shift inside an economic model in crisis, a digitalized production process and the necessity of a re-organized energy model underline the importance

CLONE: Clone your home in a safe place

In a consistently aging society, improving the life quality of fragile people, both in protected facilities and at home, represents an utmost challenge. This project