Three quarters of the global population are predicted to live in urban areas by 2050. Shortcomings of natural resources and increasing demand of user-friendly domotics make the design of innovative home environments imperative. The goal goes far beyond collecting different appliances, each independently designed. The real challenge is to design a synergic home environment in order for appliances to work harmoniously together, taking advantage of the optimization opportunities in each process and exploiting the (otherwise) wasted resources. A second, more subtle, challenge is the need to integrate the solutions developed in existing buildings (in Europe, low quality buildings represent more than half of the existing stock). Finally, this challenge has to be met at a European level, where different needs/habits have to be taken into account.
This project aims to explore innovative solutions for external/internal units equipping the building wall, which can collect and store primary energy resources (e.g. solar energy, rain water, etc.) to feed household appliances. The system should be able to feed certain household appliances with limited use during the day (washing machines, dishwashers, tumble dryers, ovens, etc.). The appliances must also ensure technical flexibility, easy accessibility, high mobility and user-friendly interfaces. The teams developed their concepts focusing on new buildings (Team A) and existing buildings (Team B) respectively. Both teams fruitfully interacted with the TU Delft faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (Prof. dr. Angèle H.M.E. Reinders).
Principal Academic Tutor
Pietro Asinari
Energetics, Politecnico di Torino
Academic Tutors
Luigi Bistagnino
Architectural and Industrial Design, Politecnico di Torino
Andrea Bonarini
Electronics and Information, Politecnico di Milano
Ingrid Paoletti
Building Environment Sciences and Technology, Politecnico di Milano
External institution
Indesit Company
External Tutors
Dino Bongini
IDD – Innovation and Digital Design
Indesit Company
Team members
Aurora Cugno [Team controller], Energy and Nuclear Engineering
Matteo Fasano, Mechanical Engineering
Fulvio Garbella Tavernin, Energy and Nuclear Engineering
Eugenia Gasparri, Building Engineering
Alexandru Popescu, Architecture (Construction)
Lucia Righetto, Architecture
Mattia Vincenzo Edoardo Massone [Team controller], Energy and Nuclear Engineering
Elisa Cucchetto, [Project Communication Coordinator] Industrial Design
Francesco Laviola, Electronic Engineering
Sebastiano Maltese, Building Engineering
Lorenzo Piacentino, Architecture (Construction)
Giovanni Battista Porcellana, Energy and Nuclear Engineering