Alta Scuola Politecnica

Multidisciplinary and unique international honour program created by Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino


The ASP – Alta Scuola Politecnica selects each year 150 exceptionally talented and motivated students among the applicants to the Laurea Magistrale (LM) programs in Architecture, Design, and Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (90 students) and Politecnico di Torino (60 students).

ASP call

The call is open to all students who have obtained a Laurea or an equivalent title (i.e., a Bachelor or a university programme consisting of at least 3 years of study after secondary education), have average marks of 27/30 or equivalent, and can demonstrate a good knowledge of the English language


Candidates are selected by an Evaluation Committee, specifically appointed by the Director of the ASP. The Evaluation Committee selects the students on the basis of their curriculum of studies, a motivation letter and their proficiency in the English language.

Why enroll at ASP

Nurturing multidisciplinary and ability to learn from different fields of knowledge and cultures.

Accepting complexity and combining “competing” viewpoints, “wicked” problems. Multiple partnerships favour constant creation of new viewpoints.

A long term investments on a new model of teaching closer to students’ talent and inclination with a strong focus on the development of personal attitudes within four “problem-based learning” tracks:

Academic research

These projects are based on creating and furthering knowledge for companies, public and private institutions for structuring and solving complex problems.

Industry & Innovation

These projects are based on investigating innovation opportunities in a variety of industries. As an example, they can try to identify the benefits at company level of the new technologies available in the market.

& Hi-tech start-ups

These projects are based on investigating entrepreneurial opportunities with a particular focus on hi-tech start-ups. These projects try to analyse the scenario of high-tech start-ups and evaluate their impacts at different levels.

Social impact & Engagement

These projects have the aim of understanding potential positive changes that an organization can implement to address a pressing social issue and favouring people engagement for social and community development.


Courses on issues, models and methods of innovation, tackled with a strong interdisciplinary perspective.
The ASP educational programme consists of 30 additional credits (CFU) to be achieved in parallel to the regular 120 credits of the Laurea Magistrale programme. An ASP student achieves, at the end of her/his two years, a total amount of 150 CFU.

Projects in the spotlight

Every year a number of our projects get selected in entrepreneurship competitions, and our students are invited to present their results at museums, exhibitions and important international events.

The ASP project YouForAll – Your digital twin for allowing a healthy society, aims to develop an effective system that utilizes AI techniques to support clinical decision-making.

The REGIM project represents an innovative solution to the challenges faced by the agricultural sector. By introducing regenerative dampers into agricultural machines, the project aims to increase their efficiency, reduce their energy consumption, and minimize their environmental impact.

A team of recently graduated ASP students won the Spring 2023 UX Design Awards with their project ‘DEUHR – Digital Exergame for Upper-limb and Hand Rehabilitation’.

Check out the last results reached within the project GAP – Image-Guided experimental and computational Analysis of fractured Patients, recently published on Science Direct.