One of the most significant problems of today’s society is the unsustainable way of living.
To guarantee a better future, people should change their habits and behavior in many fields, not neglecting the most difficult and complex issues. Healthcare structures are by definition very complex realities, since they include numerous services, various kinds of facilities and combine people with very different needs and skills, in order to satisfy one of the basic rights of human beings: Health. Nevertheless, hospitals are buildings which can significantly affect environment and society: they have an energy consumption three times higher than that of a residential building of the same size, produce polluting emissions into the atmosphere, dangerous solid and liquid waste and have very high water consumption. Public Health is recognized as a resource that must be preserved and improved. Therefore, the negative effects of healthcare structures on people’s health should be reduced, since these are the places designated to protect and enhance it with the highest possible standards. Promoting health requires a sustainable and high quality system of healthcare structures (both existing and newly designed), able to meet future social demand and put emphasis on proper and sound architecture, technology and management solutions.
To guarantee future generations the right to Health, with the high quality standards provided by scientific research, it is essential to develop effective and innovative strategies that can make the Hospital sustainable from a social, environmental and economic point of view.
Principal Academic Tutor
Stefano Capolongo
Architecture, Built Environment, Construction Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
External Tutors
Laura Chiappa
A.O. Sant’Anna di Como
Luigi Colombo
Techint Engineering & Construction
Carla Dotti
A.O. Ospedale Civile di Legnano
Academic Tutors
Marta Bottero
Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning, Politecnico di Torino
Emilio Pizzi
Architecture, Built Environment, Construction Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Carlo Signorelli
Architecture, Built Environment, Construction Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica, Università di Parma
Cesare Stevan
Architecture and Planning, Politecnico di Milano
External institution
Techint Engineering & Construction
A.O. Ospedale Civile di Legnano
A.O. Sant’Anna di Como
Team members
Andrea Bellagarda [Team controller], Industrial Production and Technological Innovation Engineering
Arlind Dervishaj, Architecture (Construction)
Michela di Noia, Architecture
Marco Gola, Architecture for Sustainability
Salvatore Speranza, Energy Engineering
Lia Volpatti, Biomedical Engineering
Matteo Birocchi, Building Engineering
Elisa Cavagliato, Architecture (Construction)
Giulia Gherardi [Team controller], Management, Economics and Industrial
Francesco Mantua, Energy and nuclear Engineering
Slobodan Miljatovic, Environmental and Land Planning Engineering
Maria Hristova Nickolova [Project Communication Coordinator], Architecture
Marco Rostagno, Architecture for Sustainability