ASP projects

IMPARAR: Improving access to resources at reduced risk for urban areas with strong informal settlements: towards sustainable growth for the town of Guayaquil and major social inclusion of citizens

Resource protection management and increasing access to public services is today perceived as a precondition to human promotion and social
development, especially in low income economies. The project focused on the municipality of Guayaquil (EC) which, with its 3 million inhabitants, 2 of which living in informal settlements, is the economic capital of the country. The achievements of the 2007 ASP project were used by the municipality to start its interventions in one of the informal urban settlements. After 5 years, quality of life has been slightly improved, despite citizen inclusion is not yet fully assured. Many complexities need to be addressed and any solution identified needs to tailored to the specific economic, political, cultural and technical context. The true challenge here lies in a creative change: assess local knowledge, increase involvement, commitment and sense of ownership within the local people.

Principal Academic Tutor
Marina Molon
Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano

External Tutors
Enrico Ponte
PhD student, Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning, Politecnico di Torino
Riccardo Mereu
Progetto Rocca Post-Doc Fellow at MIT Politecnico di Milano and ISF-MI vice president

Academic Tutors
Paola Bellaviti
Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano
Emanuela Colombo
Energy, Politecnico di Milano
Piero Fraternali
Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano
Fabio Inzoli
Energy, Politecnico di Milano
Maurizio Tiepolo
Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning, Politecnico di Torino

External institution
Municipality of Guayaquil
Universidad Catolica de Santiago de
Guayaquil (UCSG)
Escuela Politecnica del Litoral
La Consolata association
Ingegneria Senza Frontiere Milano
Italian Network of Universities for
Cooperation and Development
UN Regional Information Center for
Italy (UNRIC)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Italian

Team members
Matteo Bolognesi [Team controller], Management, Economics and Industrial
Zlatina Kalaydzhieva, Architecture
Luca Maccarinelli, Architecture

Giulia Borghi, Architecture
Raffaella Cocchi [Team controller and Project Communication Coordinator], Architecture
Stefano Gallazzi, Mechanical Engineering
Francesca Mapelli, Energy Engineering
Vittoria Paramithiotti, Environmental and Land Planning Engineering
Dimitrije Radosavljevic, Urban Planning and Policy Design
Elisabetta Rossi, Interior Design

Ambra Romano, Architecture for restoration and preservation of architectural and environmental heritage
Veronica Vasilescu, Architecture for Sustainability
Stella Cattani [Team controller], Interior Design
Andrea Cominola, Environmental and Land Planning Engineering
Francesca Vigotti, Architecture

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