
The ASP Call for Applications for the 21st Cycle (A.Y. 2024/25), for Italian and International students is open!

The Alta Scuola Politecnica selects each years 150 exceptionally talented and motivated students among the applicants to the Laurea Magistrale programs in Architecture, Design, and Engineering at Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino.

The Call is open to all students who have obtained a Laurea or an equivalent title, have average marks of 27/30 or equivalent, and can demonstrate a good knowledge of the English language. 

Candidates are selected by an Evaluation Committee, specifically appointed by the ASP Director. The Evaluation Committee selects the students on the basis of their curriculum of studies, a motivation letter and their proficiency in the English language.

Who can join the ASP 
The selection process is carried out separately at PoliMi and PoliTo. For this reason, applicants must apply for the ASP programme directly at the university where they intend to enrol. 

How to apply – Politecnico di Milano

How to apply – Politecnico di Torino