
Insights from the ASP Day 2023 thanks to Meg Pagani and Dolika Banda take-home messages

Two months from the ASP day 2023, we retrace the key theme of the day, Leveraging talents for impact transformation, thanks to the take-home messages of Meg Pagani and Dolika Banda, among the keynote speakers of the events.

The two keynote speakers’ shared insights were captured in two short videos that provide a glimpse into their thought-provoking speeches. The videos offer an opportunity to learn from the speakers’ extensive knowledge and experience, for those who missed the event, dedicated to graduation and opening events, and that witnessed an audience of ASP students and professionals from different sectors.

Dolika Banda, from Mondiale Impact, highlighted the intersection between science and social-economic development, emphasizing that science and technology are critical drivers in achieving sustainable development goals worldwide.

Meg Pagani, founder of, urged the ASP community audience to ask different questions about what impact means and what role each person must play at all levels of society worldwide. Meg encouraged everyone to find what calls them forward and what brings out their unique expression.