The project AdMIRE combines existing (or forthcoming) solutions and technologies with an innovative vision centered around the use of modern mobile devices: cellular phones, iPhones and alike.
The acronym, Advanced Mobile Intelligence and Reactive Environments, emphasizes the vision that “core” operations focus on the mobile device, in a number of different meanings:
• it “holds” most of the content interesting for the users;
• it can (interactively) “play” the content directly or through the environment (e.g. using a screen and speakers of the environment);
• it holds the user profile and preferences (see below);
• it “controls” the environment, by acting on digitized features (e.g. controlling lights, screens, temperature of the shower or the tub, colour, screen, …);
• control over the environment can be direct (controlling explicitly the different devices), or may utilize predefined settings, or may match user goals/preferences (e.g. “I want to make a presentation”, thereby resulting in coordinated control of windows, light, screen, projector, speakers, etc.).
The ASP projects deals, in multidisciplinary manner, with different issues:
• technology for content authoring and playing;
• technology for moving content from/to the environment;
• technology for controlling the environment;
• design for the different installations in private, semi-private and public spaces;
• business models for deployment of ADMIRE installations (on an Urban scale);
• business models for evolution of the industry in order to fully implement the “ADMIRE vision”.
Principal Academic Tutors
Paolo Paolini
Electronics and Information, Politecnico di Milano
Academic Tutors
Marco Ajmone Marsan
Electronics, Politecnico di Torino
Michela Arnaboldi
Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Giovanni Azzone
Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Paola Franzosi
Electronics and Information, Politecnico di Milano
Franca Garzotto
Electronics and Information, Politecnico di Milano
External institution
Casa Modigliani Museum, Rome
City of Lugano
Herman Hesse Museum, Lugano
IBC – Istituto Beni Culturali della
Regione Emilia Romagna
Museo Archeologico di Milano
Space S.p.A.
Studio di Architettura Tolozzi
Viafarini Milano
External Tutors
Patrizia Brusarosco
Viafarini Milano
Donatella Caporusso
Museo Archeologico di Milano
Giorgio Maric
City of Lugano
Maria Pia Guernardi
Massimo Riposati
Casa Modigliani Museum, Rome
Flavio Tariffi
Space S.p.A.
Giacomo Tolozzi
Studio di Architettura Tolozzi
Team members
Leonardo De Robertis [Team controller], Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Aviva Bruckmayer, Architecture
Sinem Sürücü, Architecture
Valeria Mapelli [Team controller], Management, Economics and Industrial
Ane Etxezarreta, Environmentally friendly product Design
Francesco Malandrino, Computer Engineering
Alessandro Pradelli [Project Communication Coordinator], Mechanical Engineering