C&D Waste is the largest waste stream in Europe, with a value of approximately $126 million. The main issue of this market is the excessive use of virgin materials due to the high costs, and poor quality of the recycled resources. The challenge is to innovate the debris sorting and reusing technologies and to create an on-site solution to reduce transportation costs and process inefficiencies. To do so, robotics and automation are added to the equations, and the result is a high-performance 24/7 automated process.
ConCreate is an automated sorting machine placed at the end of the crushing process to separate clean aggregates from wood, metals, plastics, and other impurities. The expected results are to cut the labor cost by two-thirds, reduce the transportation cost to zero, and promote a green circular economy in the C&D waste sector. All of this with a breakeven point of one year after the launch, and a Net Present Value of $4 million.
Principal Academic Tutor:
Matteo Matteucci (Politecnico di Milano)
Academic Tutor:
Marina Indri ((Politecnico di Torino)
External Tutor:
Isabella Timossi, PSEI PIONEER