Cycling Tourism is a new and great challenge for enhancing our territories thanks to its powerful ability to generate green jobs, economies, cultural actions involving people. In this general topic, a project named VENTO, born by DAStU – Politecnico di Milano and based on the idea to realize a green infrastructure – a cycling tourism backbone – on the areas between Venice (VENezia) and Turin (TOrino) along the River Po. It will become the means to generate a number of important effects on the territory, with multiple repercussions, especially on those who live in the area, who are in search of new interpretations after the economic crisis, as well as on tourists who are drawn to the imagery that VENTO will foster through cycling, the beauty of the landscape and the exploration of new, beautiful places. VENTO project could even be a learning cycling tourism experience through which we can both teach and learn some lessons coming from the local places, local identities, landscapes, heritage, environment, cultures etc., EcoBikePrint sub-projects intend to focus on two crucial topics as Landscape and Food. Making experience of Landscape and Local Food can become an additional cultural opportunity for those cycling along VENTO. But we need solutions to transform them into a real impressive experience, able to raise awareness of something good to everybody. So, the project idea developed by students has had the goal to make cycling experience more attractive, more connected to local dimension and able to start a real learning-by-doing process. To appreciate Landscape we need something that guide us into it, discovering stories, tales, scientific issues, curiosities even using new technologies that everyone has in his pocket as the smartphone. Even food can become a learning experience if a tool helps people identify low emission food, local foods along the route. A food-print counter, usable in our smartphone, can make our bicycle experience cleaner and more virtuous. Both groups have developed a project to reach these two specific goals.
Principal Academic Tutor
Paolo Pileri, DASTU, Politecnico di Milano
Renato Casagrandi, DEIB, Politecnico di Milano
Academic Tutors
Claudia Cassatella, DIST, Politecnico di Torino
External institutions
Parco Fluviale del Po e dell’Orba
SlowFood Italia
VENTO team
External tutor
Carlo Rega, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability
Dario Zocco, Parco Fluviale del Po e dell’Orba
Team A members
Martina Bonardo, Architettura e Costruzione Città, Politecnico di Torino [Team Controller]
Valentina Marchetti, Interior Design, Politecnico di Milano [Communication Coordinator]
Letizia Monti, Architecture, Politecnico di Milano
Francesca Palandri, Architettura e Costruzione Città, Politecnico di Torino
Erica Zorzi, Architecture, Politecnico di Milano
Team B members
Ottavia Burzi, Environmental and Land Planning Engineering, Politecnico di Milano [Team Controller]
Alessandra Girón Osorio, Architecture, Politecnico di Milano
Nicoletta Grillo, Architecture, Politecnico di Milano
Giacomo Guazzolini, Architecture, Politecnico di Milano
Silvia Mariano, Ingegneria Per L’Ambiente E Il Territorio, Politecnico di Torino
Francesco Pinat, Architettura, Politecnico di Milano