ASP projects

Expo 2015 – towards a polycentric Milan

We could define the process of development of this ASP project “from EXPO to EX.POint(s)”.
The starting point of the project is related to the fact that the nomination of Milan for the event of Expo 2015 is going to result in important innovations in the strategies and policies of the main players at different decision levels: local, regional and national. The opportunity should be exploited in order to reorientate programs and projects so as to enhance the competitiveness of the Milan urban region as a polycentric territory.
Following this challenge, two main objectives have characterized the project:
– on one hand, the attempt to understand the impact of similar events which have taken place in European cities (Lisboa, Hannover, Saragoza, Turin) or which will occur in the next years (Shanghai) in order to determine the effects of success or failure in the process of enhancing the performance of the cities and metropolitan areas where they have been realized. Effects have been studied, and organized for their understanding, following five main streams: quantitative data (surface, flows of visitors, participating countries etc.), governance, costs, transport, and masterplan concept. The students have visited the sites of the events, realizing interviews with important actors and establishing a network of international contacts;
– on the other hand, a specific topic has been chosen to test, in practice, the goal of polycentric development: an innovative model for a budget host system named EX.POint. EX.POint is a multifunctional and flexible micro polarity integrated within the urban contest and linked to the net of accessibility through sustainable mobility systems. It would promote social interactive dynamics within the neighborhood and improve the environmental livability through a urban renewal. EX.POint would give an innovative answer to the high level of temporary living demand in the Milan urban region – which will be extremely relevant at the time of the Expo event – but represents a common issue for Milan policies on account of the demand of students, research-ers, and other low budget city users. This part of the project has allowed us to appreciate the importance of the multidisciplinary approach which characterizes the ASP training activity: the topic has been explored in a very innovative way, taking into account the physical aspects of the budget hotel and of its
relationship with the urban or territorial environment as well as factors related to private-public sector negotiations and the funding and management issues which are required to realize the structures.
Both large scale and local scale approaches are relevant for incorporating the complex character of the transformation process foreseen within a polycentric re-organization of the Milan urban region and for matching the actions of the multiplicity of involved players. This has suggested a different, specific topic central for each team.

Principal Academic Tutors
Corinna Morandi
Department of Architecture and Planning, Politecnico di Milano

Academic Tutors
Flavio Boscacci
Department of Architecture and Planning, Politecnico di Milano
Cristina Pronello
Department of Hydraulics, Transport and Civil Infrastructures, Politecnico di Torino
Paola Pucci
Department of Architecture and Planning, Politecnico di Milano
Andrea Rolando
Department of Architecture and Planning, Politecnico di Milano
Cino Zucchi
Department of Architecture and Planning, Politecnico di Milano

External institution
Milan Chamber of Commerce
One works
Provincia di Milano
Comune di Milano

External Tutors
Maria Teresa Broggini Moretto
Comune di Milano
Claudia Bugno
Milan Chamber of Commerce
Leonardo Cavalli
One works
Emilio De Vita
Provincia di Milano

Team members
Elena Perego [Team controller], Management, Economics and Industrial
Alessandro Frigerio, Architecture
Camilla Guerritore, Constructions Architecture
Fabio Lepratto, Constructions Architecture

Martina Balconi [Team controller], Public Administration Engineering
Antonio Mannino, Constructions Architecture
Stefano Minini, Civil Engineering
Mario Pan [Project Communication Coordinator], Architecture
Xiang Wang, Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering

Download the poster of the Project