The IRoPa project,ordered by theCentro Ricerche Fiat, is dictated by the automotive sector need not only to enhance the flexibility of the production lines but also to allow high product diversification and quick line conversions.The purpose of this project is the implementation of a feasibility analysis – with its relevant preliminary plan – of an “intelligent manipulator” which can comply with these flexibility requirements: in particular, this “intelligent manipulator” has to be able to carry out both the implementation of bodywork (through spot-welding) and the components installation (i.e.dashboard) into the cockpit. The execution of so different tasks requires the design to be
significantly modified: in fact, a working cell planned with this method should also allow,with a simple reprogramming, the execution of operations it wasn’t initially conceived for. Firstly,we had to develop an innovative structure,with six degrees of freedom, able to guarantee handling and welding operations to be smoothly completed. Moreover, the robotic partner would have to include also an onboard intelligence system, able to manage moving and positioning stages of the components, employing a vision or sensorial system and optimizing both the operations to be carried out
and the path to be followed. Other requirements involve the use of wireless technology, to allow the reduction of both setup costs and reconfiguration time, and an ergonomic analysis of both the current and the future working station, to better understand how the operators’ health and the safety conditions could be warranted and observed under any circumstance.
Principal Academic Tutors
Graziano Curti
Mechanics, Politecnico di Torino
Academic Tutors
Cesare Alippi
Electronics and Information, Politecnico di Milano
Giovanni Belingardi
Mechanics, Politecnico di Torino
Andrea Bonarini
Electronics and Information, Politecnico di Milano
Fiammetta Costa
InDACo, Politecnico di Milano
Gianantonio Magnani
Electronics and Information, Politecnico di Milano
Matteo Matteucci
Electronics and Information, Politecnico di Milano
External institutions
Centro Ricerche FIAT
External Tutors
Giorgio Pasquettaz
Centro Ricerche FIAT
Team members
Marco Cavallaro [Team controller], Management, Economics and Industrial
Davide Devescovi [Communication Coordinator], Computer Engineering
Maria Elena Innocenti, Physical Engineering
Nicola Rossi, Mechanical Engineering
Cristian Taibi, Automotive Engineering
Mario Torello, Computer Engineering
Iacopo Gambino [Team controller], Management, Economics and Industrial
Xenia Fiorentini, Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Lorenzo Guidi, Mechanical Engineering
Francesco Monti, Automotive Engineering
Marianna Pepe, Telecommunications
Federico Sarzotti, Computer Engineering