ASP projects

I-TRAILS: Italian High Speed Railways

The general aim of this project is challenging our teams with the application of some of the main concepts treated by ASP like, for instance, the management of complex systems, the theory of decision, the technical design of a High Speed (HS) line and network. The project is carried out under the tutorship of engineers and professionals
working for the “FS”Group (the main Italian Railway company). A railway network – especially a HS one – is by nature a complex and multidisciplinary system where the evaluation and optimisation of safety,quality,performance and cost efficiency involves
a variety of disciplines, such as: mechanical, electric and aerospace engineering for the train design; telecommunications and computer engineering for the signalling systems; civil engineering for the infrastructure design. Moreover, economic and management skills are required to achieve significant results. The students achieved a thorough understanding of the HS as a whole: its strong and weak points, the critical role played by some disciplines and know-howand the potential of several enabling technologies. Furthermore all the evaluations, comparisons and cost benefit
analysis performed by the teams offered a new and original point of view over these subjects, and thus they were highly appreciated by the FS group that ordered the project.

Principal Academic Tutors
Stefano Bruni
Mechanics, Politecnico di Milano

Academic Tutors
Bruno Dalla Chiara
Transport and Civil Infrastructures,
Politecnico di Torino
Renato Manigrasso
Mechanics, Politecnico di Milano

External institutions
Gruppo FS – Ferrovie dello Stato
RFI – Rete Ferroviaria Italiana

External Tutors
Biagio Costa [principal]
Umberto Foschi
Luigi Debertol
Chiara Iommazzo
Diego Schiavoni
Marta Stellin
Giovanni Costa [principal]
Lucia Coa
Gianfranco Cau [principal]
Francesco Romano

Team members


AndreaMaria Antigone Barbera [Team controller, Project Communication Coordinator], Aerospace Engineering
Christian Burrows, Computer Engineering
Gianmarco Gaviglio, Telecommunication Engineering
Tommaso Mandorino, Telecommunications


Daniele Tosi [Team controller], Telecommunication Engineering
Daniele Andreola, Civil Engineering
Francesco Polidoro, Aeronautical Engineering
Alessandro Zurlo, Civil Engineering


Francesco Fumarola [Team controller], Mechanical Engineering
Emmanuela Confalonieri, Mechanical Engineering
Daniel Tiago Guzzafame, Aerospace Engineering
Matteo Lombardi, Mathematical Engineering
Francesco Secondino, Electrical Engineering

Download the poster of the Project