ASP projects

UP4tin: Engineering and architecture for supporting sustainable development in Ecuador: the case study of Guayaquil’s barrios

The project was focused on the general benefits that a full engineering and architectural approach may provide when dealing with sustainable development and within the framework of critical social realities. In these environments, such as the suburbs of a big town in one of the Least Developed Countries (LCD), many complexities need to be faced. The main purpose of the project was the identification, the planning and the partial implementation of a “sustainable way” towards local developments, empowring the local autonomy in the long run. A technical approach, inspired by social factors and coupled with the cultural local tradition, was on of the key element to foster local capacity able to promote higher standard of life. The “sustainable way” proposed in the project was applied to the case of Guayaquil within the barrio named “el Fortin” where the Mission of the “Consolata” has been successfully working since 1996 on primary education and is nowadays facing new challenges.
The project was split into three complementary areas: resources and infrastructures, social services and safety of the suburban area.

Principal Academic Tutors
Fabio Inzoli
Energetics, Politecnico di Milano

Academic Tutors
Emanuela Colombo
Energetics, Politecnico di Milano
Alberto Colorni
Industrial Design, Arts, Communication and fashion, Politecnico di Milano
Chiara De Camilli
Architectural Projects, Politecnico di Milano
Marina Molon
Architectural Projects, Politecnico di Milano
Maurizio Tiepolo
Inter-university Territorial Studies and Planning, Politecnico di Torino

External institution
UN IDO – United Nations Industrial
Development Organization

External Tutors
Emilio Vento

Team members
Andrea Cilona [Team controller], Environmental and Land Planning
Elena Holsztejn Tarczewski [Project Communication Coordinator], Architecture
Damien Lebonnois, Civil Engineering
Ion Iriarte, Environmentally friendly product Design

Sophie Tison [Team controller], Environmental and Land Planning Engineering
Francesca Bariviera, Territorial, Urban and Environmental Planning
Silvia Botto, Management Engineering
Francesco Madonna, Physics Engineering
Serena Pollastri, Industrial Design

Andrea Ferrario [Team controller], Management, Economics and Industrial
Engineering (full ENG)
Federica Secondi, Nuclear Engineering
Binh Thai Thi Thanh, Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering (full ENG)
Federico Zuiani, Space Engineering

Download the poster of the Project