The AMuPreMo project deals with multisensor assimilation and fusion of the data observed using different sensors and carriers, including satellite-borne sensors, radar and ground-truth raingage networks with different spatial and temporal scales, resolutions and accuracy levels.
The identified problems include:
1. errors of radar measurements in presence of orographic controls;
2. variability of the relationship between radar reflectivity and rain rate;
3. integration of data from multiple sources.
The results of this project include:
1. a method for radar data correction. This reduces the clutter effect in radar data associated with orographic controls. Applications of this method to the Spino d’Adda radar telemetering system are included;
2. a real time calibration procedure to detect the relationship between radar reflectivity and rain rate has been assessed. This is based on a heuristic approach. It can enhance current practice for short term forecasting of precipitation rates, and storm tracking in the Po river valley;
3. a generalized Kalman filter technique for multisensors data assimilation has been assessed using bayesian approach.
Principal Academic Tutors
Renzo Rosso
Environmental, Hydraulic, Infrastructures and Surveying Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Academic Tutors
Daniele Bocchiola
Environmental, Hydraulic, Infrastructures and Surveying Engineer, Politecnico di Milano
Carlo Capsoni
Electronics and Information, Politecnico di Milano
Pierluigi Claps
Hydraulic, Transport and Civil Infrastructures, Politecnico di Torino
Carlo De Michele
Environmental, Hydraulic, Infrastructures and Surveying Engineer, Politecnico di Milano
Francesco Laio
Hydraulic, Transport and Civil Infrastructures, Politecnico di Torino
External institution
ARPA Lombardia
ARPA Piemonte
External Tutors
Matteo Cislaghi
ARPA Lombardia
Davide Rabuffetti
ARPA Piemonte
Team members
Alessandra Pascale [Project Communication Coordinator, Team
controller], Telecommunications
Alberto Cannì, Mechatronics Engineering
Isabella L’Abbate, Telecommunications