ASP projects

PCV: Personal Commuting Vehicles

With a seating capacity of two and a small footprint, a Personal Commuting Vehicle perfectly fully reflects the requirements in personal mobility of most commuters – because most trips are taken alone (In European cities, the average commute occupancy rate is 1.1-1.2 persons per vehicle). Moreover PCV should be as safe, stable, and energy efficient as possible. PCVs represent a design opportunity that extends from technology and style to topics that deal with social navigation, distributed data sensing for real-time representation of environmental conditions, traffic and parking optimization, peer-to-peer freight, and civic engagement. As a starting baseline for the project a Three Tilting Wheel vehicle with two seats in line, crashproof frame, and hybrid traction is proposed as a feasible solution of PCV in between maxiscooters and citycars. The main project objective is the analysis of consumer “real” demand for innovative vehicles in terms of functionality, style, and driving feelings, in particular for Personal Commuting Vehicles and the related technology needs (and costs) to achieve the goal.

Principal Academic Tutor
Stefano Carabelli
Control and Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Torino

Academic Tutors
Gianpiero Mastinu
Mechanics, Politecnico di Milano
Gianmario Pellegrino
Electrical Engineering, Politecnico di Torino

External institution
TTW S.r.l.
Amet S.r.l

External Tutors
Paolo Cavallo
TTW S.r.l – Amet S.r.l.

Team members
Vittoriano Renò [Team controller], Environmentally friendly product design
Corinna Conway, Materials Engineering
Pasquale D’Avino, Automotive Engineering
Piergiorgio Di Miscio, Automotive Engineering
Claudio Fichera, Mechanical Engineering
Ulrico Peckelsen [Project Communication Coordinator], Mechanical Engineering

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