ASP projects

SMAPS: Smart products, places and services for smart cities

The SMAPS project is based on the idea that the smart development of cities should be connected to the design of the interaction between their traditional physical structure and the new digital informational infrastructure. This interaction can be primarily built through the introduction of new “smart” service ideas and solutions for the emerging needs of citizens, whose design is the main goal of the project.
While ubiquitous computing is strengthening the idea that the access to public services will just require digital solutions, such as platforms or e-gates, the SMAPS project aims at exploring the relation between the immaterial nature of services and their material substrate, combining the design of the services together with that of their touch-points. The physical transformation of cities is seen as a result of the introduction of new services, in a continuum where the tangible and the intangible layers influence each other in a dynamic way.
The experimental part of SMAPS is connected to the EU research project My Neighbourhood, where a people-centred approach to the development of smart services for urban areas is being experimented. This project involves 4 major European municipalities, as arenas for the experimentation of new participatory practices for the development of urban services. Within this frame, the traditional technology-driven approach to smart cities is integrated with the new idea of “Human Smart City”: a livable place characterized by services and infrastructures responding to the needs of individuals and social groups more than by the sheer presence of advanced technologies. This new approach requires the introduction of a systemic perspective, where the role of society and individuals is recognized as integrated with that of technology.

Principal academic tutors
Alessandro Deserti, Politecnico di Milano – Dept. of Industrial, Design, Arts, Communication and Fashion

Academic tutors
Claudio Germak, Politecnico di Torino – Dept. of Architecture, and Design
Francesca Rizzo, Politecnico di Milano – Dept. of Industrial, Design, Arts, Communication and Fashion

External institutions
Studio Fantoni & Partners

External tutors
Marco Fantoni, Studio Fantoni & Partners

Team A members
Anna Antonova, Interior Design, Politecnico di Milano
Carlo Andrea Biraghi, Architecture, Politecnico di Milano [team controller]
Alberto De Antoni, Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Albertomaria Franzoni, Civil Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Anna Prokudina, Architecture, Politecnico di Milano
Valentina Sardo, Architecture, Politecnico di Milano
Alessandro Spagnuolo, Electrical Engineering, Politecnico di Torino

Team B members
Ludovica Cappelletti, Architecture, Politecnico di Milano
Francesca Ditroilo, Product Design for Innovation, Politecnico di Milano
Giorgio Doro, Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano [team controller and project communication coordinator]
Maria Glionna, Architecture Construction City, Politecnico di Torino
Timur Kadyrov, Urban Planning and Policy Design, Politecnico di Milano
Benedetta Omarchi, Architecture, Politecnico di Milano
Laura Tomasino, Building management, Politecnico di Milano

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