SYN DYAG, SYNdromes DIAGnosis, is a project devoted to the development
of a system for 3D face comparison aimed at medically diagnosing rare diseases and syndromes involving face dysmorphisms in a pre-birth phase. The concrete problems we had to face since the beginning, and that made of this project a hard challenge were: the necessity to think to a very valid proposal in order to gain the confidence of doctors and obtain the
ultrasound-scans of fetuses; the need to properly process the points cloud generated by the scans; the need to identify the most significant landmarks for the syndrome we wanted to study; the necessity to think to a method to do a reliable diagnosis. In a context in which the research activity in medical and diagnostic field is still largely opened, and a standard procedure to elaborate the points cloud, extract the landmarks, and allow a reliable clustering operation, does not exist, our system allows a completely automated procedure that links all the just listed operations in a unique software easily usable by doctors in their diagnosis operations, thanks to a very user friendly interface, studied on the basis of their own necessities.
Principal Academic Tutor
Enrico Vezzetti, Politecnico di Torino – Department of Management and Production Engineering
Academic Tutor
Marco Gribaudo, Politecnico di Milano – Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering
Luigi Preziosi,Politecnico di Torino – Department of Mathematical Sciences
Federica Marcolin,Politecnico di Torino – Department of Management and Production Engineering
External institutions
A.S.O. San Giovanni Battista di Torino
External tutors
Guglielmo Ramieri
Team members
Luca Bonacina, Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Daniele Conti, Physics Of Complex Systems, Politecnico di Torino
Emanuele Del Sozzo, Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Antonio Froio, Energy and Nuclear Engineering, Politecnico di Torino
Francesca Gasperoni [Communication coordinator], Mathematical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Antonino Nava, Aerospace Engineering, Politecnico di Torino
Marina Rinaldi, Mathematical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Juan Sebastian Rojas Sandoval, Aeronautical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Rosario Sicari, Civil Engineering, Politecnico di Torino
Cristina Vicini [Team controller], Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Milano