ASP projects

VALORiver: Sustainable valorisation project of the Sangone River

The project is related to the implementation of the Sangone River Basin Contract, a voluntary agreement among public and private players involved in the management and use of water resources, aimed at the enhancement of the river’s resources and its territory. More than other wide-area programs and planning tools, the River Basin Contract requires multidisciplinary approaches aimed at defining innovative and sustainable design strategies and choices. An innovative characteristic of the River Basin Contract is the involvement of institutional players and the local population, contributing to the construction of priorities or to the implementation of sustainable strategies. This extremely complex characteristic requires negotiation among the teams of students, local governments (10 Municipalities), wide-area institutions (Region, Province of Turin, River Basin Authority) and certain stakeholders. Moreover it requires new approaches and methods for defining large and local plans and projects (not only related to urban design and architecture). The last aim of the project is the definition of design methodologies that can be used as a model for the sustainable development of the territorial system of the River Contract, exportable in other contexts.

Principal Academic Tutor
Piergiorgio Tosoni
Housing and City, Politecnico di Torino

Academic Tutors
Elena Comino
Land, Environment and Geo-Engineering, Politecnico di Torino
Roberta Ingaramo
Housing and City, Politecnico di Torino
Danilo Palazzo
Architecture and Planning, Politecnico di Milano
Maurizio Rosso
Hydraulics, Transport and Civil Infrastructures, Politecnico di Torino
Angioletta Voghera
Inter-university Territorial Studies and Planning, Politecnico di Torino

External institution
Autorità di Bacino del fiume Po
Regione Piemonte
Provincia di Torino
Ente Parco fluviale del Po tratto torinese
Studio Sferalab

External Tutors
Claudia Chicca
AIPO – Agenzia Interregionale per il fiume Po
Guglielmo Filippini
Provincia di Torino
Fernanda Moroni
Autorità di Bacino del fiume Po
Giovanni Negro
Regione Piemonte
Ippolito Ostellino
Ente Parco fluviale del Po tratto torinese
Francesco Puma
Autorità di Bacino del fiume Po
Cinzia Zugolaro
Studio Sferalab

Team members
Antonella Celenza, Civil Engineering
Dario Conti Papuzza, Building Engineering
Matteo Giuliani, Environmental and Land Planning Engineering
Diego Molinari, Environmental Engineering
Nadia Ortolan [Team controller], Architecture

Elena Bignamini, Architecture
Eduardo Cademartori [Team controller], Architecture
Giulia Pasetti [Project Communication Coordinator], Architecture
Erika Tagliaferri, Architecture

Antonella Amati, Architecture
Giulia Ciccone, Architecture (urban and territorial design)
Louis Gilbert [Team controller], Building Engineering/Architecture
Chiara Marchino, Environmental Engineering
Paola Penna, Architecture

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